Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Didja see the rain today? Didja? Didja? Not like yesterday's patchy stuff. This was full-on open your mouth and you'd drown type of rain. It was apt that after a month long high yaytus (Hee. Love that word. Bloggers always use it), Sam decided to give me a call to see how I was doing. I sez I'm good. She sez she hasn't read my blog in a long while because she's been so busy. So I sez I'll give you something to read about. Check in tomorrow. Haha. Cool. Make sure my name's Sam. Sam's doing ok, and really busy at work, but she called to renew our friendship, as she does ever so often. It's good to hear your voice, Sam. And she says, as she always does, 'Likewise'. Drought breaker Nabeh, just as I was about to walk out for lunch. Drought breaker II Lucky nair wash car.
Surf stop: Myrick
iTunes' party shuffle is playing a copy of: It Feels Like Rain - Aaron Neville - Warm Your Heart, of which I have the original CD and therefore didn't steal music.


Blogger Zen|th said...

Yes. Finally some rain.. :)

3/01/2005 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for me i did wash my car... ah but i also did "wax on, wax off" so i guess i just need to rinse the car now... oh i a so lazy.

3/01/2005 07:41:00 PM  

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