sgBlogConspiracy: Chapter 3: Enter the Silencer
It has begun. A few days ago, I was summoned to synchronise the start of Operation Blogger Con. It has been brought forward a few weeks because there is a mole among us. But not to worry. He will be flushed out and silenced like the sick dog that he is. I will make it so.
Training for my purpose began a long, long time ago. Sometimes in far flung places. Sometimes right under your noses. I was chosen for my traits. I am a small, quiet, killing machine.
Now that the Operation is in full swing, you will say what we want you to say. Those that don't or won't, you know who you are. I know who you are.
Blogicides will be rife. Blogicides are already rife. Now you know why.
Agent Miyagi, Recce Trooper, Attila Recce Team, circa 1990
Originally uploaded by One Niner Charlie.
PopagandhiLife at Ngee AnnBubblemuncheIdle Days Ma vie en direct Steven McDermott

Agent Miyagi, Recce Trooper, Attila Recce Team, circa 1990
Originally uploaded by One Niner Charlie.
Surf stop: Technorati tag: sgblogconspiracy
iTunes party shuffle is playing a copy of: Spy Boy - John Hiatt - Living a Little, Laughing a Little (1974 - 1985), of which I have the original CD and therefore didn't steal music
nice pic. but i thought cameras weren't allowed in military camps.
I am the Silencer. Unit S2 gave me clearance.
*whistles happy birthday in D minor*
migs, the mission has changed. Go blogisassinate singabloodypore first - he knows too much
you can strike out idle days. we took care of her.
Prees! Don sirence mee!
What happened to XX ? Has she been kidnapped by anti-blogger forces ? If so, I don't mind contributing a dollar to her ransom fund !
aren't you the Cheekopek Silencer? you should be silencing the lolitas in bloggosphere...
have you done already done something to Sandra? The whole WIN-A-DATE thing is a set-up RIGHT? Are you going to silence all those who sent her those essays?
I'm sure Unit S2 didn't give you clearance to post such a photo on the Internet.
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