
Technorati Tags: blog, gymnastics, Singapore, special olympics, writers' festival
Less of fat, less of you!No, really, that was the tagline for Caffe Roma that was on the taxi bumper.
Technorati Tags: Singapore
Technorati Tags: gymnastics, Singapore
In the age of the Internet grapevine, know your stuff before tackling customer complaints on the Web IT HAS been said, and quite often by bloggers, that businesses ignore blogs and online discussion forums at their peril. (Try a Google search with the term “businesses ignore blogs at their peril”, and you will see what I mean). News sites abound with tales of companies which either ignore, or do not wake up to, the extent of customer dissatisfaction until it is too late. But what happens in the rare case — at least in the local experience — that a company actually responds to rumbles of consumer discontent online? Judging by the reaction when one company did so last week, is it a case of “damned if you don’t, damned if you do”? One apparently disgruntled customer of a company that provides protective wrapping for mobile phones, PDAs and other similar devices posted his complaint on a discussion forum. Now, what typically happens in an instance like this, is that other forum members might commiserate or disagree with a customer’s complaint, or share their own experiences. But what happened this time was that a representative of the company decided to respond to the allegations by emailing the original poster — with interesting results.Read more here.
Technorati Tags: food, Russian, Hainanese, Singapore, Shashlik
"Gana sai" "Simi gana sai?" "Wedder lah" "Orh. The heat" "The heat is sibeh hot" "This morning got haze some more" "Got meh?" "Gort!"It really, really isn't conducive for work, this weather. Or for decent conversation either. Or for blogging.
This week opinions and impressions of the Singapore Presidential candidates made up quite a few blog posts, with sites such as Newsintercom (www.newsin tercom.org) even creating a mock-up online polling system, complete with buttons and live results — albeit with only one candidate for readers to "vote" for.Read more here.
Technorati Tags: TODAY, Presidential , Singapore, Elections