Deejay Slapdash is da bomb
Or however we're supposed to say it in this day and age of Music Television.
There's this extremely nice place on Circular Road (which we're told, is like the new Mohammed Sultan Road, only for older people, so we have to go there now) called The Hideout, which we managed to find after discovering that Circular Road did not live up to its name.
DJ Slapdash (Daryl Sng by day) spun a darn good set, or however we're supposed to say it, comprising many nice songs, most of which I didn't know, except for one David Bowie track, a Velvet Underground track, and a track by The Strokes, who I have one CD of. I am so hip.
Just as good was the fact we were greeted at the door by one of the SarongPartyFrens, who happens to be a good friend of one of the owners. Further conversations over a girly cocktail revealed that I am friends with friends of their friends. You know how it is.
I am going to go back there to chew out, or however we're supposed to say it. Y'all should too. Just make sure you don't nurse one drink for three hours. Belinda (who happens to be quite the babe, and who bellydances as well) will be mighty pissed if you do.
DJ Slapdash chills out after his set

Surf stop: The Adventures of Princess Dominique
iTunes' party shuffle is playing a copy of: Soma - The Strokes - Is This It?, of which I have the original CD and therefore didn't steal music.
I the babe? kwels! thanks for dropping by guys.. was very very nice and I shall see you guys again - dancing - next time.. hopefully
i lurve the strokes. dj slapdash sounds hot already. is he resident dj? i be boogeyin on down to da hideout soon... or however you're supposed to say it
Yes, HellsBel, we'll be salsaing. Once we go for lessons.
No, Paul, he's not the resident DJ, but he's damn cool nonetheless.
And, P-G, wahlao.
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