Debuting at your neighbourhood 7-11
Don't go to the 7-11 to pick up a copy of TODAY, because the caricature damn argly, can?
TODAY newspaper artist/cartoonist nair die before!
Paper Thin from the album "Slow Turning" by John Hiatt
Surf stop: Talk Rock
Most blogging services have comments systems which allow readers to leave comments. And some of the comments sections have taken a life of their own, and take up more space than the actual blog entry itself. For example, blogger 'Finicky Feline' ( talked about her grouchy Sunday, and garnered thirty six comments. I expect even more comments on a later post, one about her wondering 'how come 30+ year old men have mentalities of little kids'. I'm tempted to leave a comment there myself!Read more here.

So do we say now that TODAY has been miyagi-ed, or Miyagi has be TODAYed?
At the rate this is going, we could possibly have a blogger everyday in TODAY. Mondays XX comes on with tips on sexual health, Tuesdays SPG on photography, Thursdays Ting on photoshop tips. Anyone for Saturday ?
Not so bad wat , sleeping on bus suddenly lady in front of me flip the page and I said : Eh Mr Miyagi leh !?
Oh dude, you look 'fragile' :D
wah Today kena-ed colonized by bloggers. Question is, will Today be Tomorrow-ed? Reporters will love writing the headlines for this...
not too bad lah. with a pair of spectacles you can pass off as SM Goh. hohoho...
Looking forward to reading your new column! :)
Hi! read TODAY and decided to check your blog out, quite a cool blog you have. If you do have time, care to check mine out? If you do, do remember to leave a tag. Anyway, i'll try to link you up if i have the time. Cheers! =]
hey short and balding,
congrats on your appearing in TODAY.
look forward to reading your weekly columns.
Woo...nice! Keep up the good work!
I have to agree with Mr Miyagi, the caricature which the TODAY cartoonist drew depicting him really not very pleasant to look at. Anyhow, neither is Neil Humphrey's or Mr Brown's, your predecessor, on TODAY anyway.
Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your blog.
I think it looks a bit like LKY ;p
congrats! do us proud!
Very nice first article. :) Looking forward to more!
Yes..the caricature doesn't do justice to you!! haha
Wah, at least they got your URL right this time mah. Keep them coming! Give mb a run for his cash!
Saturday got my all time favourite NEIL HUMPREY liao leh...The dumbweed angmoh write damn damn well. Too bad he don't have blog.
The drawing really doesnt do justice on you. Poor you. XD
So now TODAY's wed, fri and sat will be filled with humor. shiok ar. LOL.
-Yui of Hiddenshit
It looks like bloggers are the hot property around town nowadays...
Like Phil Keoghan would say on The Amazing Race, "Who will be next?"
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